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Upcoming Meetings
Our next network meeting will be held in fall 2024. Please email gomriverherringnetwork@gmail.com for information about how to join.
Upcoming Events
World Fish Migration Day is May 25, 2024. There are lots of events happening across the world to celebrate migratory fish, including many in the Gulf of Maine, as well as other spring events celebrating river herring.
Plymouth River Herring Festival, April 20 from 10-3 at Plimoth Grist Mill: https://plimoth.org/events/plimoth-grist-mill-herring-run-celebration. Manomet is hosting a happy hour the evening before the festival: https://www.manomet.org/event/happy-hour-with-happy-fish-2024/
Downeast Salmon Federation, smelt fry in Columbia Falls, ME, April 27: https://www.mainesalmonrivers.org/events
Bagaduce alewife celebration, May 18 from 11-2 at Pierce’s Pond in Penobscot, ME: https://www.mcht.org/event/alewife-migration-celebration/
Mystic River Herring Run and Paddle in Somerville, MA, May 19: https://mysticriver.org/herring-run-paddle
River herring celebration in Pembroke, ME, May 24-25: https://www.mainetrailfinder.com/calendar/event/1678
“Run with the Alewives” 5K event in Damariscotta, ME, May 25: https://damariscottamills.org/run-with-the-alewives/
Blackman stream alewife celebrations in Bradley, ME, May 25: https://www.worldfishmigrationday.com/event/alewife-day/
Dedication ceremony at Branch Pond on World Fish Migration Day in Palermo, ME, May 25: https://www.midcoastconservancy.org/events-list/branch-pond-dedication