There are many other places to find information about river herring. Several resources are linked below. If you have a resource you would like to add to this page, please fill out this form.
Find a River Herring Run
Maine Rivers 2022 Alewife Trail Map
Help Count River Herring (Online)!
Several river herring runs have set up websites where anyone can view video of fish migrating upstream, and help count them from home.
Count river herring in the Pennamaquan River, Pembroke, ME
Count river herring in Town Brook in Plymouth, MA
Count river herring in the Mystic River in MA
Information about River Herring
Maine Department of Marine Resources Maine River Herring Fact Sheet
Maine Department of Marine Resources: All About Maine Alewives
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Shad & River Herring
Maine Sea Grant: Connecting Rivers for Healthy Ocean Fisheries
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: River Herring
Tools and Data
The Nature Conservancy’s Aquatic Barrier Prioritization tool
Maine Department of Marine Resources Data Portal: Alewife spawning habitat, ME-NH Inshore Trawl Survey Data
SHEDS Stream Temperature Database (ecosheds.org). View and download temperature time-series data using an interactive map.
USGS Interactive Catchment Explorer: Stream Temperature and Brook Trout Occupancy in the Northeast
NOAA Fisheries River Herring/Shad: Herring Catch Cap Monitoring
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Shad & River Herring
2024 Maine River Herring Sustainable Fishery Management Plan
2022 Massachusetts River Herring Sustainable Fishery Management Plan
2024 New Hampshire River Herring Sustainable Fishery Management Plan
Maine River Herring Regulations
Best Management/Maintenance Practices Worksheet for Herring Run Management in Massachusetts & Resources and Guidance for writing a River Herring Management Plan. These documents were developed by the MA River Herring Network, and are intended to help MA herring wardens determine what information is known and unknown about their particular run(s), and develop a plan for managing their run(s).
Downeast Fisheries Partnership
Downeast Salmon Federation Alewife Monitoring
Massachusetts River Herring Network
Atlantic Coast River Herring Collaborative Forum
Videos & Films:
NFWF: The Rise of the River Herring
Maine Coast Heritage Trust: Bagaduce Fishway Project: Walker Pond
Maine Coast Heritage Trust: Bagaduce Fishway Project: Bailey Bowden
Kennebec Estuary Land Trust: The Cool Little Culvert at Sewall Pond
Produced by Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries & Maine Coast Heritage Trust.